
AGI and KNUST team up

The Association of Ghana Industries, AGI and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology have entered into an agreement to promote collaboration between industry and the academia. Under the arrangement, students from the university’s College of Engineering will be attached to private industrial establishments for practical training. Beneficiaries of the programme will research into challenges to growth in those establishments and suggest ways of addressing them. The program will be implemented over a five-year period. Vice Chancellor of KNUST, Professor Kwasi Kwafo Adarkwa who signed on behalf of the university said a special committee would be set up to monitor the progress of the programme to ensure it is sustained. The Provost of the College of Engineering, Professor Francis Momadey explained that the active collaboration between industry and the university would afford the students the chance for practical training and hands-on experience. AGI President, Tony Oteng Gyasi who signed on behalf of his association, noted that the signing of the agreement marks the beginning of a new era for industry and academia to play a more meaningful role in national development efforts.

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