
Assembly employs 415 teachers under NYEP

The Wa West District Assembly has employed 415 pupil teachers under the National Youth employment Programme. The new employment is to augment the small number of trained teachers in first cycle schools in the district. In addition, the assembly has also put in place a plan to sponsor 118 teacher trainees at a cost of almost ¢100 million to be bonded to serve the district on completion of their training. The Wa West District Chief Executive, Mr Daniel Dari Kuusongno, said this when he addressed the first ordinary meeting of the second session of the assembly at Wechiau. He said 35 out 89 primary and junior secondary schools in the district that were built with mud are to be replaced with brick structures by the end of the assembly's medium term development plan in 2009. Mr. Kuusongno said over the past two years, the assembly had also supported 30 teachers in training colleges.

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