
CJA endorses Atta Mills

The Committee for Joint Action (CJA) on Tuesday endorsed Professor John Evans Atta Mills, the presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), as a leader whose trademark of honesty, integrity and morality would unite Ghanaians for freedom and prosperity for all. The group said the time had come for the voices of the “Ghanaian conscience” to rally to the side of democracy and honest national leadership. Dr. Gamel Nasser Adam, former Convention People's Party (CPP) parliamentary candidate and a member of the CJA, was speaking at a press conference in Accra on the state of the nation and matters relating to the December 28 presidential run-off. He said Ghanaians must know that, the triumph of freedom and honesty in the face of tyranny was inevitable and as such the country required courage and the exercise of good leadership. Dr. Adam said the CJA was confident in Prof. Atta Mills as a person who was prepared to provide that leadership of integrity and courage to Ghanaians. The group questioned the competence and ability of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, candidate of the New Patriotic Party, to be the President of Ghana. Dr Adam asked why Nana Kofi Coomson, publisher of the Chronicle newspaper, an NPP insider and prominent political activist, suggested publicly that it would be a disaster if Nana Akufo-Addo were ever to assume the presidency of Ghana. He suggested that, if these constituted the verdict of a section of the NPP leadership on their presidential candidate, the rest of the population would have no reason to doubt the basis of the conclusion. Dr Adam said the economic crisis continued unabated and contrary to official rhetoric, majority of Ghanaians were still trapped and submerged in a sub-human culture of poverty with little or no hope at all of ever emerging from their squalor. He said the tenure of the NPP had witnessed a systematic subversion of all departments of democracy, including the people's right to freely express their views on how they were being governed or misgoverned. Dr. Adam said the Kufuor Administration in an attempt to control public opinion and stifle critical media had entered into a symbiotic relationship with a section of the media in a mutual back scratching pact. He said the NPP government provided the acquiescent press with various types of material stimuli, generous budgets and an almost unrestricted access to government information. Dr Adam said media houses, which were critical of government, were occasionally starved of advertising revenue because a section of the business community was petrified by the subtle but strong warning signals from government. Source: GNA

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