The James Town District Police Command has secured a restraining order to halt the planned installation of Bill Annan as the new Gbese Mantse. Bill Annan of the Tetteh Ahinakwa We was set to be installed Gbese Mantse On Saturday under the stool name, Nii Okaijah III. A rival faction has however described the installation as illegal. The court order comes a day after the rival faction cautioned the elders to desist from going ahead with the planned ceremony. A copy of the court order sighted by Joy News indicates that it was sought through an ex-parte application and is valid for ten days. Those opposed to the installation warned that going ahead with the planned installation of the new Gbese Mantse would amount to contempt of court. It therefore cautioned all persons who had been invited to the ceremony to stay away in order not to condone an illegality.

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