Hundreds of travelers have been stranded in Buipe in the Northern Region since Tuesday following the closure of the main bridge that connects to Kintampo in the Brong Ahafo Region.

The bridge has been closed for repairs, according to reports.

Joy News has learned that vehicles are stuck in all lanes, bumper-to-bumper, on a stretch that will take an hour to drive from one end to the other.

A lecturer at the University of Cape Coast, Dagbe Amenumey, has told Joy News the situation could become chaotic if authorities do not intervene.

The situation has been worsened by neglect of road traffic regulations at Buipe by the stranded travelers, plunging the road into near mayhem.

The road was blocked since 9 pm on Tuesday, Joy News has learned.

Big buses have parked alongside each other at the bridge in a bid to be the first through when the road is unblocked at 6am Wednesday.

This has created three lanes of traffic, which will actually make it impossible for any car to move forward once the road is unblocked this morning.

Without intervention by the authorities, passengers, who have already been delayed for seven hours, will be further delayed indefinitely when the road is unblocked, all because of the lawlessness of these big bus drivers.

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