
Driver jailed 12 months for impersonation

A magistrate’s court at Cape Coast has sentenced Stephen Andoh, a 21-year old driver to 12 months imprisonment for impersonation and stealing. Andoh was convicted on his own plea by the court presided over by Mr Eugene Obeng Ntim and given six months on each count. Police Inspector Francis Kingsford Ockom had told the court that last Tuesday, Andoh who resided at Elmina, went to a Coca Cola depot at Kakumdo a suburb of Cape Coast and introduced himself as a tutor from the Mfantsipim School, to the Depot Manager, one Francis Donkor. Inspector Ockom said, Andoh told the Manager that he wanted to buy four crates of soft drinks for school games and even called a student in Mfantsipim school-uniform who was passing by to assist him to carry the drinks. The prosecutor said convinced, the Manager gave him two crates of the drinks which were carried away with the assistance of the student and Andoh said he will pay the money upon collecting the two other crates but failed to turn up. The prosecutor said when Mr Donkor later met the student and asked of the where-about of his tutor, the boy told him he did not know Andoh and that he only called for his assistance denying that Andoh was a tutor at the school. Inspector Ockom said realizing that he had been duped Mr Donkor looked for the convict and later saw him at Abura selling the drinks to a store keeper and raised the alarm for his arrest. Source: GNA

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