
Ghanaians must pay taxes

The Upper West Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mr. Kofi Adomah, has reminded Ghanaians that payment of taxes by the citizenry was a constitutional obligation. He urged Ghanaians to pay their taxes promptly and regularly to enable the Government get enough revenue for development projects. Mr. Kofi Adomah was speaking at a tax sensitization forum organized by the NCCE in collaboration with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at Nyole in the Wa West District. It was aimed at improving upon tax collection to increase revenue for national development. He explained that revenue collected by IRS and other tax collection agencies was used for the payment of workers salaries, the provision of roads, good drinking water, schools, hospitals and security among others. He urged revenue collectors to work assiduously to increase tax revenue to support the country's budget. An official of the IRS, Mr Yakubu Abdulrazak, educated the participants on the types of taxes and levies collected by the State, metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies. He noted that the development of the nation depended on taxes collected and that inadequate revenue could adversely affect national development. Source: GNA

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