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Instagram is bringing voice messaging to your DMs

Instagram has added a voice messaging feature to its Direct messages.

The feature allows users to send each other audio messages up to one minute long in private and group chats. The update is rolling out now for iOS and Android.

Users with the feature can record messages by holding down the microphone button. It’ll send automatically when you release the button, so if you don’t feel confident about sending it or want to re-record, you can slide your finger over to the trash can button to delete it.

Instagram’s a little late to the game with bringing voice messages to DMs, as its parent company Facebook has had a voice messaging feature in its Messenger platform for years. 

Voice messages are quickly becoming the preferred method of communication on messaging platforms like WeChat and WhatsApp, and today’s addition may be a welcome feature for some users. Alternately, voice messages could be another sign of the “end of Instagram” as it becomes over-cluttered with Facebook’s own features.

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