President John Mahama will on Thursday, February 4 commission one of the community day senior high schools at Kwaobaah-Nyanoa in the Upper West Akyem district of the Eastern Region.

The project which took almost 20 months to complete has become the first Senior High School established by government in the area.

President Mahama on March 3 2014, broke grounds for construction work to begin on the first 50 batch of community day Senior High School as part of a total of 200 of such projects across the country.

The new school will help government fulfill the objective of expanding and improving access to secondary education across the country.

President Mahama noted that the pressure on existing Senior High School were so immense such that they could only take 60 percent of persons in need of secondary education.

Barely five months ago, Joy News Eastern Region Correspondent, Kofi Siaw, reported that the Nyanoa project was 90 percent complete.

Residents hailed government's effort at establishing the first ever Senior High School in the area but were quick to question the slow pace of work by the contractor.

A second visit to the place reveals the total completion of construction works.

The huge three storey edifice has 24 classrooms, three laboratories, two libraries, eight offices, nternet facility among several others.

Speaking to Joy News ahead of the official opening of the school, Derrick Ohene Assifu Beko, former district chief executive for Upper West Akyem commended the chief and people of Kwaobaah-Nyanoa for their cooperation towards the construction of the project.

According to him, but for the help of the traditional authorities the project wouldn't have been successful.

He noted that government as part of its agenda will make education accessible to the people.

Chief of Nyanoa, Baffuor Kwame Arko III, commended president Mahama for his efforts at using education as the central point of development.

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