
Military officers visit Takoradi Port

A group of 24 military officers from five African countries attending the Porto Novo Senior Staff and Command College in Benin on Wednesday visited the Western Naval Command and the Takoradi Port. Colonel Idrissou Latoundi led the officers who are from Benin, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Niger and Togo. During an interaction at the Western Naval Command in Sekondi, Lieutenant Commander Eric Osei, Commander of Navy Trade Training School, said the Navy is assisting the Volta River Authority (VRA) to bring sanity in river transportation on the Volta Lake. He said a detachment of the Navy had been stationed in the area to check the destruction of vegetation and other activities that had contributed to the low water level of the Akosombo Dam. Lt. Commander Osei said the area of responsibility of the Western Naval Command includes the Takoradi Port and its immediate environs, all vital national and economic installations along the coast such as the Aboadze Thermal Plant and the Osagyefo Power Barge at Effasu. He said Ghana's sea border with Cote d'Ivoire was not demarcated and this could be a source of misunderstanding between the two countries when hydrocarbon was discovered in the area. Lt Commander Osei said the policing function of the Navy involves the enforcement of Ghana's laws on customs, immigration, fisheries and pollution within her territorial waters and exclusive economic zones. He said it is under this function that the Navy contributed to Ghana's socio-economic development. Source: GNA

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