The Minority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has charged the Korean Ambassador to be diplomatic in his choice of words. Hak Sang Lee has in a statement accused the minority leader of making unfounded allegations against him and demanded that the minority exempt the Korean Embassy from the “domestic political strife” in Ghana. The Minority Leader is quoted to have said on XFM that the Ambassador had confirmed that the controversial STX deal is fraudulent. But a rebuttal from the Korea Embassy challenged the minority leader to state the source of the allegation. “The Embassy further requests that the minority should not distort the facts and abuse the Korean Embassy in its domestic political strife which is regrettable and deplorable,” the statement added. The minority leader is however bemused by the Embassy’s reaction. He told Joy News the statement was not only undiplomatic but a reaction to a comment he (Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu) never made. He said he never attributed the fraudulent claims to the Ambassador. “What I said was that the Ambassador is on record as having said and he was captured on GTV and it was played to the entire nation. What he said was that the project has not kick-started because among other things government has not indicated how they are going to pay back the facility. That’s what he said. “I said that that position among other things is what we have been saying all along… gives us cause to believe that the deal is fraudulent. “I never attributed the word fraud or fraudulent to the ambassador. “I am surprised at his choice of language. I never said so and I would want him, the diplomat that he is to be very diplomatic in his choice of words." Play the attached audio for excerpts of the interview. Story by Nathan Gadugah/

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