
No government can scrap NHIS

The Chief Executive of the Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Kumasi has dismissed allegations that card holders of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) cards have been turned away following the uncertainty of which party forms the next government. According to Dr. Anthony Asare, KATH has always advocated for the implementation of the policy and it would be unthinkable for it to do anything to jeopardise it. Even though the policy was instituted by the ruling government, Dr. Asare argued its implementation transcends the whims of present or future governments, adding, the hospital would still accept the policy no matter which party won power in the December run-off. He told Citi News on Thursday the NHIS is the best social insurance policy instituted and no caring government will attempt to abolish it. He added KATH has no legal right to stop a programme instituted by an Act of Parliament, adding, 70% of revenue generated by the hospital is exclusively meant for the implementation of the policy. He advised patients who have been denied access to health delivery based on their status as NHIS card holders to report the perpetrators for appropriate action to be taken. He was optimistic the policy would rather be refined in the coming years, as all the political parties in the December elections have pledged to make it better. Story by Nathan Gadugah

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