
PRESS RELEASE: Primeval Media thanks all

Primeval Media, organisers of the historic Farewell Match between the Black Stars of Ghana and Dream Team, at the Accra Sports Stadium, wish to express its profound appreciation to sponsors and stakeholders who contributed to the successful organisation of the event.

Our outfit is grateful to the Ghana Football Association (GFA) for granting us the right to organise the match, as well as the Ministry of Youth and Sports for their support.

A statement signed by Jeff Asare, Communications Director, said, the overwhelming success of the event cannot be mentioned without the contribution of the National Sports Authority (NSA) and Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA).

“We can also not forget the extra ordinary role played in the promotion of the match by the media, especially our media partners; United Television (UTV), SuperSport and the general media as well.

“The massive interest of the media in the event, which resulted in the issue of over 300 accreditation tags was an ample demonstration of the success of the event”. The statement added.

The statement also expressed appreciation to the headline sponsors, uniBank Ghana Limited, Accra Breweries Limited (ABL), Special Mineral Water, DDP, Huawei Ghana Limited.

“It is our greatest conviction that, we shall continue to enjoy similar support in future endeavours”. The statement added.




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