
PRINPAG condemns murder of Ennin

The Private Newspaper Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) on Wednesday condemned the murder of Mr Samuel Ennin, Chairman of the Ashanti Regional Branch of the Ghana Journalist Association, describing it as “a dastardly act”. A release signed by Mr Nii Laryea Sowah, Executive Secretary of PRINPAG, appealed to all journalists and the general public to lend their support to the Police Administration to arrest the perpetrators of the heinous crime and bring them to book. He appealed to the public to respect the rights of journalists and give them the maximum support and protection in the discharge of their duties. "It is the hope of PRINPAG that government and the entire citizenry would recognize the critical role played by media practitioners to usher Ghana into a new democratic dispensation." He said PRINPAG proposed a Fund to be set up for members of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA) as well as the general public to contribute money towards the continuous education of the children of Mr Ennin, who was News Editor of Ash FM, in Kumasi. Nii Laryea advised all publishers, editors and journalists in general to be security conscious in both their routine life as well as in the discharge of their official duties. Mr Ennin was gunned down by unknown assailants last Friday in Kumasi. Source GNA

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