
Support NYEP- Deputy Regional Minister

The Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister, Osei Assibey Antwi has said that the government is committed to pursue the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP) to create more job opportunities for the youth to enable them contribute meaningfully towards the socio-economic development of the country. He has therefore urged the people to support government's efforts to ensure the success of the programme. Mr Antwi was speaking at the 12th graduation of the Nkenkasu and Offinso Training and Rehabilitation Centres for the Disabled at Offinso on Sunday. The 30 grandaunts undertook a three-year course in tailoring and dressmaking, leatherwork, shoe making, carpentry, tie and dye and batik. He said the government was determined to ensure that the youth were given vocational skill training to enable them acquire skills to make them self-employable. Mr Antwi appealed to the youth to develop interest in the acquisition of skill training to enable them make positive contributions in the development of the country. He emphasised the importance of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and advised the people to pay their premiums to enable them enjoy health care. Edward Asare, President of the Kumasi Rotary Club, said the club had been engaged in immunisation against polio and provision of water for some communities. He said plans were far advanced for the club, with the support of its partners, to assist in the provision of textbooks and computers and accessories for the two centres to help improve facilities and enhance teaching and learning. The Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC), the National Secretariat of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the Rotary Club of Kumasi donated five million cedis each towards the development of the two training and rehabilitation centres. Source: GNA

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