Members of the Youth Wing of Wa Central Constituency of People’s National Convention (PNC) in Upper West Region have dissociated themselves from the decision taken by the Regional executives and pledged their support for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, NPP Presidential Candidate in the run-off on December 28. The PNC Regional Executives in a statement issued on Wednesday pledged their support for Professor John Evans Attah Mills, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Presidential Candidate for the run-off. The youth in a statement read at a press conference at Wa on Saturday said the NPP’s achievements were far greater than the eight years of the NDC as far as the constituency was concerned. They mentioned the establishment of Wa Campus of University of Development Studies (UDS) that had created jobs for people in the area to alleviate poverty, numerous access roads in Wa Township, tarring of Wa-Bamboi road as some of the reasons that informed their decision to support the NPP Presidential Candidate. They attributed the weak nature of their Party to the overthrow of the People’s National Party (PNP) Government under the leadership of the late Dr Hilla Limman, a native of the Region on December 31, 1981. They contended after his overthrow, most members of the Party went on exile and their properties were either confiscated or destroyed. “After Dr Limman’s overthrow not a single corruption charge was found against any of them but former President Jerry John Rawlings continued to justify the 1981 coup even at an NDC rally recently at Ashaiman before the December 7 elections,” the statement said. “It is our belief that NPP has a better plan for the country with improvement in the economy and Nana Akufo-Addo is focusing on the youth in particular as future leaders of the country”. On human rights abuses under the NDC and NPP, they believed NPP performed far better than NDC. Source: GNA

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