Students of Wa Islamic Senior High School have flayed what they say is a one-sided report by the Ghana Armed Forces clearing their men of alleged brutalities visited on them late last month.

The students told Joy News if truly such a report exists, the military failed to include their account to the investigation.

"If the military says it has done a good job who have they spoken to? Have they spoken to the students or the teachers?", demanded one angry student.

On November 20, 2014, personnel of the Ghana Armed Forces were alleged to have brutalised students of the Islamic Senior High School in Wa in a bid to quell a stand-off between the students and school authorities.

Two students suffered severe injuries and were admitted at the hospital following the military's action.

The students, a male and a female, were the main casualties of an apparent simultaneous police and military action to break the front of the students, as their peaceful protest degenerated into chaos.

The soldiers allegedly invaded the girls’ dormitory and started beating the riotous students following a call to the police to go to the school and restore order.

But last week, Director of Public Affairs of the Ghana Armed Forces, Colonel Aggrey Quarshie, told Joy News their investigations reveal no such brutality was meted out to any student.

"Our personnel did not assault anybody there. They asked the students to lie down but they did not touch anybody”, he reiterated.

He explained that the students were asked to lie on the ground in order to restore order and separate those causing trouble from onlookers.

However, the students told Upper West regional correspondent, Rafiq Salam, the military's claims are spurious.

"Because they are denying the facts, we live them unto Allah", one of the injured students told Rafiq.

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