Moments after Nana Akufo-Addo asked that people who accuse him of drug addiction should bring proof or shut up, Kofi Wayo, has accepted the challenge by asking him to help the process by submitting his blood samples for testing since according to him, that was where the evidence could be found. Mr. Wayo, Founder of the United Renaissance Party, noted that the burden of proof lies with the NPP Flag-bearer adding that, his long awaited response is a show of mere African bravado. "It is his job to prove that he is not a drug addict," he added. Wayo, who has over the years been making that demand on the NPP Flagbearer, reiterated his call for such a drug test to be carried out by a credible and independent institution like the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Speaking in an interview with the The Enquirer, Mr. Wayo noted that this is the only way to ensure his innocence or guilt of a perpetual illicit drug tag that has become an albatross around his neck. He was responding to a call made by the NPP Flag bearer, challenging his critics to prove with empirical evidence that he is a drug addict or "shut up" and stop attacking his personality. In a sharp rebuttal however, Mr. Wayo has asked Akufo-Addo to rather shut up if he was not ready to subject himself to a drug test, explaining that the issue is not about those accusing him of being a drug addict but a strong perception out there that he is a drug addict and therefore if he wants to become Ghana's president, he has to take steps to clear his name. "No one has accused him that he is a drug addict, there is a strong rumour that he is a drug addict and he has failed over the years to respond to it and these rumours were stated by his own party people through text messages," he noted. Akufo-Addo dared his critics when speaking at the opening ceremony of a three-day national NPP youth conference held on Wednesday at the Mafara Hotel in Tamale. That was the first time he had personally commented on his cocaine tag saga. He added that it is a smear campaign against his personality. "I have never tasted or sniffed cocaine. Why are my detractors attacking my personality, saying that I am a drug addict?” Nana Addo had fumed. Nana Addo vowed not to tolerate any further attacks on his personality and threatened to deal decisively with persons who continued to peddle falsehood against him as a drug addict. Mr. Wayo further asked the NPP leader to ponder over the question as to why among all the presidential candidates in the 2008 elections, he was the only one suspected of indulging in illicit drugs. He recalled that Nana Addo was the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice who according to Wayo, was so much interested in bringing into the country Ghanaians serving prison sentences abroad for drug related offences. Source: The Enquirer

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