
Work on old Accra Harbour begins June

The Government has released funds for the commencement of the first phase of the old Accra Harbour at James town. Nii Teiko Tagoe, a Development Planner at the Ministry of Tourism in-charge of the Old Accra Project said the contract had been awarded for rehabilitation works to begin by the end of June. Nii Tagoe said this at a meeting between the ministry, residents and the fishermen in Accra to discuss the benefits of the project which was already delayed. He said although government intended to begin the project earlier, fishermen and residents along the beach refused to vacate the site, saying this made work difficult for both government and the contractor. Nii Tagoe noted that the fishermen and inhabitants of the area had now agreed to move, adding that in the course of the rehabilitation, they would be given identification cards to allow them entry to the site to engage in fishing. “The ID cards will prevent thieves and others whose existence will hinder the smooth execution of the project from entering the site,” he added. He asked inhabitants to completely vacate the site for the contractor to begin work since Accra was far behind development, especially when the country was celebrating its 50th Anniversary. Source: GNA

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