Flood victims in the Asuogyaman district of the Eastern Region are pleading with the government and individuals with the financial wherewithal to support them having lost their homes and livelihoods.

Communities upstream including Kudikope have been hit by the flood with affected houses collapsing in the process.

Abume, Kpedzi and Dzidzorkope among others downstream, are also bearing the brunt of the Akosombo dam spillage by the Volta River Authority.

This came to light when the Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority, Pius Enam Hadzide donated to the victims.  

Headman at Kudikope, Kudi Kofi in an interview with Joy News said NADMO is yet to assist them.

“We have been affected by the flood and have received no support despite NADMO and other officials coming here. Those affected have no place to lay their heads and some are even forced to share their rooms with victims,” he said.

Kudikope is one of the upstream fishing communities in the Asuogyaman district of the Eastern region impacted by the overflow of the Volta River from its source in Mali and Burkina Faso.

Over the last month, members of the affected communities have had their houses collapse and existing structures weakened as the flood continues to wreak havoc.

Having lost their livelihoods to the situation, they said the Asuogyaman district NADMO has not done the needful.

Kudi Kofi added that some community members had their buildings collapsing. One of the victims, Agartha Dayitey indicated that they are in a difficult situation.

“The water has destroyed our homes and we find ourselves in a very difficult situation. All we are asking for is help since we have nothing to feed on,” she said.

Another victim, Diana Dayitey has lost all her personal effects.

“Our houses and belongings are gone. We currently perch with other community members despite all the inconveniences and we are pleading with NADMO to help us.”

Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority (NYA) and parliamentary hopeful in the Asuogyaman Constituency, Pius Enam Hadzide after donating bags of rice, oil and an undisclosed amount of money to the victims asked the district NADMO office to do more in helping the victims.

“I came here to sympathise and empathise with our fathers and mothers, and other victims of the flood. After going around, we realized that a number of houses have collapsed due to the high tides”

“The Volta River has overflown its banks and taken over the communities upstream. I’m here to support them and appeal to NADMO, well-wishers, and philanthropists to help in these crucial times at Kudikope, Abume, Kpedzi, Dzidzorkope Budukrom and all communities impacted by the flood,” he continued.

Pius Hadzide also touched on the impact of the situation on economic activities.

“The overflow of the Volta River is what has led to the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams. What is equally worrying is the affected communities losing their economic activities abruptly, leaving them with nothing to feed on.

"Surviving day-to-day is such a big challenge. I know the central government is doing its bit to help victims of the flood but I think Asuogyaman victims need more,” he appealed.

The team then visited Abume, a fishing community downstream where some houses have also been affected.

Chief for the community, Torgbui Dizornu II said the spillage has negatively impacted lives in the area.

“We are fishers and it’s risky to attempt fishing around this time putting pressure on our daily survival including our children aside from losing some houses to the flood.”

According to some women in the area, they are forced to buy anchovies also known as 'one man thousand' from Dzemeni in the Volta region to serve their customers in Asuogyaman and beyond.

A woman, Sally Klebeti with her pan had come in search of anchovies and was returning home disappointed as fishers could not fish due to the strong current.

Victoria Kudzaba who sells anchovies said it’s quite scary at night since they do not know when their houses could be coming down.

Another resident, Plipah Dickson pleaded with the government to extend support to victims in the district.

The tour ended at Kpedzi where the spillage has had a better part of the fishing community.

Both Abume and Kpezdi communities also benefited from bags of rice, oil and an amount of money from Pius Enam Hadzide after meeting opinion leaders.  

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