
Akufo-Addo defends begging campaign

The NPP presidential hopeful Nana Akufo-Addo has defended recent strings of apologies by high profile members of his party ahead of the presidential run-off on December 28. According to him, it is not illegitimate for public officials to seek forgiveness for acts that did not go down well with the people who elected them into office. The outgoing MP for Cape Coast Ms Christine Churcher was reported to have asked fisherfolk in the Central Region to forgive her all her transgressions and vote massively for the party in the run-off. President Kufuor at a press conference in Kumasi also asked electorates to forgive him all wrongs he inadvertently committed during his reign. These pronouncements opponents insist, smack of an insensitive and incompetent government trying to win the hearts of the disgruntled electorates ahead of the run-off. But Nana Akufo-Addo told Citi News on Thursday the gesture was not only to win votes. He said the apologies only reinforced the notion that public servants must always be submissive to electorates who voted them into power. With the NPP losing some 14 seats in parliament, Nana Akufo-Addo noted it would be suicidal for the party to pretend as though nothing was wrong. On the transition challenges that may confront the incoming administration, Nana Akufo-Addo argued he is better positioned to handle the challenges more than his main contender, Prof John Evans Atta Mills of the NDC. Listen to excerpts of the interview in the attached audio Story by Nathan Gadugah

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