Apple Valley International School has emerged winners of the second edition of the AVIS Invitational Tournament, an inter-school, multi-sporting event held over the weekend in Kumasi.

Apple Valley International School hosted the one-day sporting event which also featured the Ridge School and Hill Top International School.

Both male and female pupils in lower and upper primary participated in soccer, Chess, Tennis & swimming at the multi-purpose sports complex inside Apple Valley International School.

The event attracted parents, guardians and patrons who thronged the AVIS sports complex to support participating schools.

Head of Administration and Finance of AVIS, Kingsley Afreh Nduroh indicated, the sporting event which is in its second year was organized to ignite sports participation drive in the kids and also, create a new experience for the students using sporting activities.

“Sports participation is something we must all encourage here in this country and we at AVIS feel this is the best time for these kids to be exposed to the various sporting events, the reason we decided to put together this tournament.”

“We are satisfied with the level of participation and I am confident we will host another successful tournament to serve its purpose.” He said.

According to Kingsley Nduroh, the annual event also presented an avenue for the kids to socialize and have fun, while inculcating in them the spirit of sports participation.

“We believe, sports is recreation and after focusing on academics throughout the year, it’s time we take a break for just a day and earmark it for such games for these kids to have fun and socialize.” He added.

The Principal of Apple Valley School Kwaku Sarfo commended the participating schools for their spirit of sportsmanship while urging defending champions Ridge School to come back stronger next year

All three participating schools raised five-a-side football teams for both boys and girls and in a passionately contested competition, Ridge School won the boys' division while Apple Valley and Ridge School won the girls' soccer competition.

In the Chess competition, Apple Valley International School emerged victorious with 9 points, beating competition from Ridge School and Hilltop who followed with 3 points each

Apple Valley and Hilltop won Lawn Tennis while Ridge School emerged winners of the swimming event.

After a fiercely contested competition the host school, Apple Valley came out as overall winners. They were followed by Ridge School in second Position while Hilltop settled for the third position.

All participants received medals for their efforts while Hilltop School received the bronze medal, Ridge settled for the silver while Apple Valley received gold medals together with the overall winner’s trophy.

Medals were presented by Marian Nnurom, Vice Principal of Apple Valley and Kwaku Osei Offeh, CEO of Apple Valley while the overall winning trophy was presented by Nana Professor Edward Badu of KNUST who was the guest of honour at the event.

The kids socialized among themselves with the teachers, parents and guardians creating an atmosphere that confirmed the significance of the invitational games

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