
Army, police installations to sample CFL bulbs

Security installations, including military and police barracks in the country will be the first beneficiaries of a nationwide drive to replace the traditional, energy consuming incandescent bulbs with the energy saving lamps or CFLs. The campaign, initiated by government would see a replacement of some six million onion bulbs used in lighting. Energy experts say the bulbs are highly inefficient, as 95 percent of the electricity they draw is converted to heat with only five percent providing lighting. When implemented, it is believed the country could save at least 200 Megawatts of electricity during peak load periods. The project, according to the Minister of Energy was to have started over the weekend at the military and police barracks and government buildings, however the Energy Commission says it has been unable to implement it because it was yet to secure the permission of the ministries that own those buildings. Dr. Alfred Ofosu-Ahenkorah, the Acting Executive Secretary of the Energy Commission who believes savings could be anything between 200 and 240 Megawatts, told Joy News he is hopeful his team will secure some approvals latest by Wednesday to enable them begin installation. He said 102,000 of the expected six million energy efficient bulbs are immediately available for distribution. He told Joy News the approval is needed to avoid offsetting any security protocols, but he would also not tell precisely where the exercise would begin from.

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