The Executive Secretary to President Akufo-Addo, has vehemently refuted claims suggesting that he advised the "Canadian Embassy to reduce visa issuance to Ghanaians," an assertion circulated by various online platforms. 

Lawyers representing Mr Bediatuo Asante issued a press statement on Tuesday, May 21, categorically dismissing the reports as false and urging the public to disregard them.

In the statement, Bediatuo Asante's legal representatives specifically singled out and as sources that propagated these allegations and subsequently spread them widely. 

They urged the public to treat such publications with contempt and cautioned against giving credence to unfounded claims that could potentially damage reputations.

Emphasising the need for clarity and accuracy in reporting, the lawyers urged the public to exercise discernment and refrain from accepting baseless assertions without substantiated evidence. 

"Our Client’s attention has been drawn to a false online publication under the headline “Asante Bediatuo Advises Canadian Embassy to Reduce Visa Issuance Rate to Ghanaians” published on by Ohene Anochie dated Thursday, 16th May, 2024."

The said publication alleged that our Client; “has secretly advised the Canadian Embassy in Ghana to reduce the rate at which it issues visas to Ghanaian nationals. Bediatuo reportedly made the announcement at a secret meeting with H.E Christopher Thornley claiming Ghana is losing a lot of young vibrant workforce to other countries.”

By issuing this statement, Mr Bediatuo Asante and his legal team aim to dispel any misconceptions and uphold the integrity of his reputation in light of the false allegations circulating online.

Ultimately, Asante Bediatuo and his legal representatives have called upon the public to dismiss these allegations and refrain from perpetuating unfounded rumours. 

"We are instructed to inform the public that the publication referred to supra is palpably false and same should be disregarded and treated with the contempt it deserves," the statement added.

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