The Chiefs and people of Atsiame Traditional Area in the Aakatsi South District are calling for a peaceful coexistence among the leadership of the various traditional areas in the Anlo State.

They insisted that traditional leaders should focus on the development of their respective jurisdictions as envisioned by the Awomefia, Togbe Sri III.

Torgbui Kasu III from Gafia Kpota, made this known when he addressed a press conference at Dagbamate.

He fought off claims that the Atsiame Traditional Area does not exist as proclaimed by some factions explaining that, Atsiame and some 15 other traditional areas were created with their respective chiefs elevated to the Paramount Chief status in 2016.

He said the initiative which was documented was targeted at harnessing development in the Anlo state.

“It is significant for us to state that Togbi Sri III, in wisdom decided to create Paramouncies and Traditional Areas in Anlo to bring development to the communities and to the doorsteps of the people”, he said.

He explained that the Atsiame Traditional Area and it's leader, Togbe Samlafo has long existed and was identified in the colonial era.

“To set the records straight, Togbi Samlafo was recognized as 1st War Captain from Avenor with 600 fighting men in the Quittah Political Conference Report No. 14/85 dated 8th June, 1885. This was tendered in Court and was never challenged nor contested. Togbi Samlafo’s name has been appearing in the Gold Coast Chiefs List with the earliest productions by the Colonial Administration”, he explained.

Torgbui Kasu III further fought off the claims that two traditional Areas cannot be in a district and also a traditional leader cannot owe allegiance to another in a different district or region.

“A case in point is the New Juabeng Stool in Eastern Region, owing allegiance to the Golden Stool in Ashanti Region. It is worth mentioning the examples of the stools in Abesim in the Sunyani Municipal and Kyeraa in the Sunyani West District that owe allegiance to the Dormaa Stool in faraway Dormaa-Ahenkro.

We want to take this opportunity to assure Togbi Dorglo VI that the Atsiame people will never be under him. Our allegiance is to Awoamefia, Togbi Sri III and it shall remain so forever”, he stressed.

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