The Biakoye District Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Reverend Leonard Aglomasa, has urged residents of Akposor Kabo community in the Oti region to be vigilant in protecting their constitutional rights and to actively participate in shaping the local governance processes.

He said the importance of upholding the rule of law, protecting individual rights and fostering an inclusive and participatory governance system could not be underestimated.

Rev Aglomasa was addressing the community as part of the ongoing Constitution Week celebration by the Commission emphasised the significance of constitutional democracy, adding that constitutional democracy was a collective responsibility.

He called for a renewed commitment to upholding the rule of law and promoting transparency in governance.

Rev Aglomasa said the foundational principles of constitutional democracy serve as the cornerstone of society’s stability and progress while noting that active roles of citizen engagement was essential in safeguarding and promoting democratic values.

The participants expressed their commitment to upholding the values of constitutional democracy and working towards a more transparent and accountable governance structure in the community.

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