Mining | Music

Celestine Donkor discloses how she met her husband

Kofi Donkor & Celestine Donkor

Celebrated gospel musician, Celestine Donkor has shared the story of how she met her husband and the circumstances leading up to their marriage.

In an interview on TV3, she disclosed that she met Kofi Donkor online, explaining that a friend living abroad introduced them.

After exchanging phone numbers, they began conversing regularly over Yahoo Messenger, which was the most sought-after platform at that time.

Despite never meeting in person, their connection deepened over several months of phone conversations and online dating.

Surprisingly, Celestine Donkor revealed her husband took her engagement list from her family even before meeting her face-to-face.

He travelled to Ghana with the sole purpose of marrying her, driven by a strong belief in their destined union.

“We met through a friend who left Ghana for abroad. They spoke about me, and he took my number, so we were talking on the phone.

"At the time, it was Yahoo Messenger we were using. My husband then took my engagement list and everything, even before seeing me physically”.

According to the singer, her husband had received the spiritual message of her becoming his wife and was awaiting manifestation.

Upon receiving the spiritual clearance, she said he wasted no time in settling down with her and they have been together ever since.

“He came to Ghana purposely to marry me. He said he also prayed about me, and before he met me through my friend, there was a word he was looking forward to. There was just a word hanging on his life, and he was waiting for its manifestation.

"So when he met my friend and there was a discussion, he got to know that this is the person the man of God spoke about,” Celestine recounted.

The bond between Celestine and her husband is evident as he also doubles as her manager, giving her direction and accompanying her to every event.

The couple have been blessed with three daughters.

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