
De-worming scare hits Volta Region

The Ho Municipality remained tense midday Monday as stories circulated that pupils were falling sick and even dying after being administered with a de-wormer under the nationwide schools de-worming exercise. The Municipal Hospital was jammed with parents who rushed their children there in cars and on foot for medical attention. Hospital sources said they were in control of the situation even though the sheer numbers that thronged the hospital overwhelmed them. Some of the pupils were treated for dizziness, while others were advised to take a lot of water and rest at home. Some parents gave their children palm oil as emetic. Traffic was busy as parents crisscrossed town in efforts to get to the schools early enough to stop their children from taking the drug. Some parents, especially women broke down in tears, some beating their breast when they asked and were told their children had already taken the de-wormer. Some parents wailed and questioned why the wholesale de-worming when they had been doing so on their own.

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