Haruna Iddrisu

Former Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu says the Electoral Commission has sinned against the Constitution by not holding limited registration exercises since 2021.

According to him, this has disallowed some citizens who have come of age, the opportunity to enroll as voters.

He asked to be challenged on his assertion with facts and figures.

“Mr Speaker, for the record – 2021, 2022, 2023, Ghanaians who have attained the age of 18 years have been denied the opportunity to be captured as registered voters. This is a constitutional wrong,” he said.

This situation, he noted, is unacceptable to a country committed to multiparty constitutional democracy.

“Mr Speaker, the right to vote and to be voted for is so sacred. Even for you elected Members of Parliament – one of the minimum qualifications for you to get voted as MPs is to show that you are a registered voter, that is the Constitution imposes in Article 94,” he added.

For this reason, he stated that the “Electoral Commission by virtue of their existing CI have no reason to tell anybody and this August House why they have still failed to capture Ghanaians who have attained 18 years.”

For this reason, the Tamale South MP said the EC must not be allowed to lay its new Constitutional Instrument (CI) in Parliament.

The ECs new CI makes the Ghana Card the only identification document to be used to guarantee citizenship.

The Minority is also opposed to a regulation in the CI which requires persons who want to register to do so at an EC district office.

According to Haruna Iddrisu, these regulations will disenfranchise Ghanaians, thus must not be allowed to go through.

“The Electoral Commission was now informing the Ghanaian public through Parliament that only the national ID card issued by the National Identification Authority (NIA) will be a sole reference document for the purpose of registration. Mr Speaker, that is the intendment of what is referred to as a draft CI,” he said.

“Again, Mr. Speaker, our committee found problems with that designation where it says a district office of the EC or any other place that the Commission considers appropriate. Mr Speaker, throughout history in 1993, since the establishment of the Electoral Commission, voter registration exercise is done at polling stations, not district offices,” he added.

But speaking in defence of the EC's proposed Constitutional Instrument, MP for Akuapem South, O.B Amoah said the EC is justified in seeking to use the Ghana Card as the sole identity document.

He contended that the guarantor system has been abused, “in the sense that people override, detain guarantee contractors where they join the queue, get registered, they stand by and say that they are waiting for 10 or five people."

Mr Amoah described the abuse of the guarantor system as a worry and must be taken into consideration.

“... If you look at this report, he seems to acknowledge that the guarantor system has been abused. Even as practitioners, the thought behind the guarantor system was to acknowledge that where a prospective registrant did not have any means of identification, they could fall on their parents, spouses, children to guarantee and sign a form that really I know this person,” he explained.

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