The Ghana Athletics  Association (GAA) has confirmed it will go ahead  with its annual congress scheduled for Saturday,November 15 at the Accra Stadium despite rumors the Association was considering postponing the elections.

 Some aggrieved members  of the Association insist the  failure of some  regional Associations to hold their elections before the congress on Saturday is good enough reason to postpone the elections. 

These members insist it will be constitutionally  incorrect if  the Association goes ahead to hold congress but General Secretary of  Ghana's Athletics governing Body, Dominic Kankam  in an interview with JOY Sports claimed the says the assertions  are unfounded.

"The secretariat has put in place everything to ensure out elections come off this Saturday 15th November, some of the regions have  done their  elections but  others are yet to, we still have about 5 regions who haven't conducted the elections but that does not stand in the way of congress, and as to electoral proceedings and  whether these regional association will be allowed to participate or not will be discussed by General Assembly ,which is the Highest decision-making body of Athletics" he intimated.

Dominic Kankam also debunked the assertion that, the Regional Association's failure to conduct  elections before the Nov 15 deadline and GAA insistence to stage Congress does contribute to breach in their constitution.
"The constitution does not say that if the regional association's fail to organize elections congress should not come off, it's not stated anywhere in the constitution, if certain people don't have their congress what you can say constitutionally and legally is that they have lost their eligibility to partake in deliberations and also vote."
Incumbent  GAA President  Prof Francis Dodoo will be challenged by Former GAA president George Lutterdot  and Dr Silvanus Lamprey. 

Saturday's election will also witness two personalities - Mr Princeworth Anane-Asare and Mr Reks Brobby - vying for the vice-presidential post. Those contesting for the treasurer’s position include Mr Agyapong Richard and Marc Dzradosi. For the organizing secretary, the contestants are Samuel Ayer, Bawah Fuseini and Emmanuel Sekyere Arhin.

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