
INEC says it has rescued 10 pangolins  

Executive Director of the Institute of Nature and Environmental Conservation (INEC) Ghana, David Kwarteng, has noted the organisation's accomplishment in saving at least 10 pangolins in recent years.

He emphasises the importance of this achievement, stating that it reflects the positive influence of educational and conservation efforts.

“This achievement is significant, considering the clandestine nature of poaching activities,” David said.

INEC, alongside animal enthusiasts worldwide, commemorates the pangolin, recognised for its scale-covered body, ant-eating habits, and the unique ability to curl into an impervious ball when threatened.

Despite these extraordinary defense mechanisms against natural predators, pangolins face a grave threat from poaching; making them the most poached and illicitly traded mammals globally. Estimates suggest that over one million pangolins have been lost in the past decade alone.

The pangolin stands out as a creature of unique fascination, celebrated globally on World Pangolin Day. However, the awe surrounding these scale-covered, ant-eating mammals is accompanied by a sombre reality—they are facing a severe threat from the very species they defend themselves against: humans.

Unveiling the Culprits: Pangolins Sought for Meat and Scales

Pangolins are highly sought after for their meat and scales, particularly in certain regions of Asia. The scales find usage in traditional medicine, while pangolin meat serves as a symbol of prestige and wealth, commanding high prices.

This lucrative demand has fuelled an alarming surge in poaching activities. Pangolins, known for their slow reproductive rate, are unable to withstand the unsustainable pace at which they are being hunted for their body parts.

On World Pangolin Day, celebrated at Toase Senior High School in the Ashanti region, the Executive Director for INEC underscored the crucial importance of raising awareness not only about the dire circumstances faced by these animals but also about the commendable efforts undertaken globally to combat this detrimental trend.

Jemima Owusu, Assistant Zoo Manager at the Kumasi Zoological Gardens: "The zoo has allocated space to facilitate the re-introduction of pangolins into their natural habitat."

Opoku Danso Beatrice, the deputy girls’ prefect for Toase SHS, and Solomon Yeboah, the senior housemaster, said that providing education to students about the habitat and biology of the animals and the importance of protecting it has occurred at an opportune moment.

The significance of pangolins extends beyond their captivating appearance. Their substantial appetite contributes to their unique ecological role as protectors of vast areas, with one pangolin capable of safeguarding an area equivalent to 41 acres from termite destruction.

About 20 percent of a pangolin's total mass is made up of solid scales, forming a distinctive "weapon." When faced with threats, pangolins swiftly adopt a defensive posture by curling into a tight ball, showcasing their robust armour of overlapping scales that offer protection against potential dangers.

Pangolins embody distinctive and crucial ecological contributions. As the world rallies to protect these extraordinary creatures, the commemoration of World Pangolin Day serves as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility to combat poaching, illegal trade, and habitat destruction.

The journey to ensure the survival of pangolins is a global endeavour, uniting organizations, communities, and individuals in a shared commitment to protect and preserve the world's most trafficked mammal.

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