Founder and CEO of music record label, Hustle Hard, says his new recording company has been established for the sole purpose of giving end-to-end solutions to the entertainment industry.

According to the Kweku Bawuah Bonsafo, the entertainment industry in Ghana is yet to be at par with the Western World but he is ready to shake up the music industry with his vision.

"I have years of experience in the music industry and I put the start-up company in the right part of investment. I am willing to work with musicians who are talented to put Ghana on the map aside the business. I have seen how it’s done in Ghana, South Africa and the USA so I’m back to lead the pack."

Talking about his credentials, Mr Bonsafo also known as ‘@36instinct’, said he is a full package and to portray his mission, he has setup all the necessary environment for musicians to thrive.

"I have strong networks and affiliates with music distribution agencies, corporate organizations, industry key players to facilitate any of the company services mentioned and its sustainability. My team is specialized in cinematography, graphic design, video editing, and we have a big recording studio.

"My vision for Hustle Hard is to be the go-to brand for companies, cooperate, individuals, and the government, for all things related to entertainment, marketing, promotions, events, and advertising. Roc Nation is the blueprint for my vision. This is where I’m going," he added.

Meanwhile, the entrepreneur said he is still putting things in place to officially launch, Hustle Hard, in December 2022 although it’s still in operation.

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