The Luv FM High School Debate Competition enters its quarter-final stage, with the remaining eight teams looking forward to booking their spot in the semis.

Defending champions, St. Monica’s Senior High School, will kick start the quarterfinals by taking on hometown participants Kumasi High School.

That contest is slated for 2 pm on Friday, July 1 at the Christian Service University College in Kumasi.

The motion for the debate is, ‘It is necessary for political leaders or diplomats to be active on social media.’

St. Monica’s will be debating for the motion whereas Kumasi High School will stand against it.

Host of Luv in the Morning on Luv FM, David Akuetteh, believes the motion is open ended and fair to both teams.

“I do believe that political leaders and diplomats should have their focus mainly on their duties but it is also true that most news nowadays circulate via social media, which makes it a very important tool.”

“I think the debate will be very interesting and fierce because both sides are bound to producing compelling arguments,” he said.

President of Jackson Educational Complex and Luv FM’s ambassador for the competition, Theodosia W. Jackson, will be chairing the debate.

“I would just like to say how proud I am of every single school that has participated in the competition this year. I would also like to give all due credit to the teachers for their hard work in enabling these exceptional students to showcase their talents.”

Mrs Jackson believes competitions such as the Luv FM High School Debate are what the country needs to shape the thinking of students.

“Businesses love to sponsor song and dance events but turn their cheek when it comes to academic competitions…this is, unfortunately, the norm in Ghana - we take education for granted.

“It is students and teachers who are the backbone of our country and we must provide more stages for them to flourish. I am also in support of this competition growing beyond the Ashanti region,” she added.

St. Monica’s remains the only school in the competition with a track record of progressing to the knockout stages every year.

KUHIS, on the other hand, is making its debut in the quarter-finals stage of the competition.

The patron of St. Monica’s strongly believes history will repeat itself as the two schools get ready to face off.

But the boys from Kumasi High School believe this is their year to make impressive mark in the championship.

“We recognise that St. Monica’s is a quality debating school but that does not matter to us. We are going for the kill this year and will win it all.”

The remaining quarter-final debates will take place throughout the coming week.

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