
NDC MPs warn of conflict of interest

The NDC Member of Parliament for Lawra-Nandom, Mr Benjamin Kumbuor is warning against a possible conflict of interest as the Brong Ahafo Regional Chairman of the NPP prepares to appear before the Appointments Committee for vetting. Nana Obiri-Boahen has been nominated by President Kufuor as Minister of State at the Ministry of Interior. Reports in the Statesman newspaper suggest some NDC MPs are against the nomination of Nana Obiri-Boahen because of concerns he may be working more in the interest of the ruling NPP than the State. Even though Dr. Kumbuor, a member of the appointments committee will not comment directly on the nomination of the NPP Brong Ahafo Regional chairman’s nomination, he believes the national interest should best be served if he chooses to between the party or state appointment. “The principle as to whether a party chairman or a leading member, who hold an office in a political party, should hold such an office together with a ministerial one is one in my view is bound to lead to conflict of interest,” he said.

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