The Chief Executive of Jane’M Salon and Spa and the Lead Judge for 'Ghana’s Most Beautiful' beauty pageant, Janet Sunkwa Mills has downplayed the negative tag on Nigerians saying they're more enterprising than Ghanaians.

According to her, during her time at Nestlé Ghana, she was assigned to work in Nigeria, but several people discouraged her from traveling on the basis that the country was terrible.

Nonetheless, she stated that she took the opportunity to go and experience the country for herself, and to her astonishment, she realized that people’s perceptions of the country were false.

Janet made these comments in a conversation on Joy Learning’s The Career Trail on Saturday, October 28.

“A lot of people were like Janet, are you going to Nigeria? It’s a tough country. I have heard Nigerians are this. But I said, please I have no prejudices at all. Let me go there, experience and make the best out of it and learn my own lessons,” she explained.

The CEO noted that the marketing environment in Nigeria was completely different from Ghana.

According to her, Nigerians are go-getters, which is evident in how they run their businesses. According to her, a Nigerian businessman or woman will set a goal and easily achieve it, despite the many hurdles.

"Nigeria was fun. The market environment is pretty different from here. They are really go-getters. I like that about Nigerians. They are really go-getters so as a business person when they set a target, they commit and they get the target," she said.

Madam Sunkwa-Mills also mentioned that unlike Ghanaians, who usually soothe themselves when things go awry by claiming everything would be fine, Nigerians look beyond that. When there are hurdles, they rise to the occasion and work tirelessly to solve the business problem.

"Nigerians are always like, we got to do it," she added.

The CEO of Jane’M Salon and Spa also expressed her excitement at learning that many Ghanaian companies are producing some goods locally, thereby decreasing the high rate of imports.

The 'Ghana's Most Beautiful' judge however, advised Ghanaian entrepreneurs to step up their game and push the Ghanaian market to the forefront.

She spoke out against people having prejudices against other countries and urged that if given the opportunity to visit any country, they should embrace the opportunity and experience it for themselves rather than listen to people's perceptions of the country.

"All in all, for me, because of my adventurous spirit, nothing is really a challenge. I am very open-minded. I go through the experience, pick the learning, good or bad and apply it to my life," she concluded.

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