The Psychiatric Association of Ghana (PAG) has appealed to the populace to desist from stigmatizing individuals with schizophrenia while addressing some common myths surrounding the condition.

In a statement signed by the Association’s President, Dr. Delali Fiagbe to commemorate World Schizophrenia Awareness Day, he explained that schizophrenia is a medical condition, thus, bad parenting, personal weakness, or a character flaw are not a causal factor.

According to PAG, people with schizophrenia can lead fulfilling lives including having a job and meaningful relationships when they have the enabling environment and treatment.

“Referring to persons living with schizophrenia as 'mad' can be very negative and stigmatizing. They suffer from mental illness and need empathy and support. Individuals with schizophrenia and their families should be accepted and well-integrated into the community,” portions of the statement read.

The Association called on all and sundry to desist from discriminating against those associated with schizophrenia and other psychosocial disabilities.

“We urge all to promote understanding and emphasize the importance of early intervention and support.”

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