Agribusiness | National

Place farmers on monthly salary – Female graduate farmer tells government

A young female graduate farmer in the Kpando Municipality, Genevieve Nutsu Avornyotsey has appealed to government to provide young farmers with combine harvesters and other equipment to alleviate the stress they go through in farming. 

Aside from asking for help with the needed equipment to help in farming activities, the CEO of First Agro Limited, Mrs Nutsu Avornyotsey, also urged government to put hardworking farmers on monthly salary to help them cope with the prevailing economic difficulties in the country.

Mrs. Nutsu Avornyotsey who spoke with JoyNews noted that it has been difficult getting the needed help apart from her husband and family for the progress of the farming project, which is one of the biggest farms consisting of almost all farm produce and animal husbandry.

She stated that it will be a good thing if government considers the plea for farmers to be placed on salary to motivate them into working more and feeding the nation.

She noted that her motivation to go into full commercial farming as a graduate was her husband who has been her source of support since she realised the need to forget about the corporate or white colour jobs and concentrate on farming.

“My husband motivated me to go into full-time commercial farming because looking at the corporate world now, it is very difficult combining work with family responsibilities,” Mrs. Genevieve Nutsu Avornyotsey said.

She noted that it has been hectic and difficult for the few years she has been into farming as a family woman coupled with to labour and financial challenges.

She also requested that a borehole be installed on the farm as well as solar panels to help the workers enjoy and feel comfortable on the farm, particularly in the evenings.

Mrs. Nutsu Avornyotsey stated that because farming is seasonal, she needs to do other things to make money throughout the year, highlighting the need for organizations and the government to assist farmers in any way they can to enable them to enjoy their work.

The CEO of First Agro Limited, on the other hand, urged young ladies, particularly young female graduates and those unable to further their education, to enter farming in order to help them financially and in other ways.

The NDC Women Organizer, Victoria Yayra  Afidenyo urged women to become entrepreneurs and be useful in society instead of depending on non-existent jobs.

Mrs Nutsu Avornyotsey is also into commercial animal rearing and has several fruit crops and a variety of other crops on her farm.

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