The Ghana Police Service has withdrawn its injunction filed at an Accra High Court to prevent the #DumsorMustStop demonstration scheduled for Saturday, May 25.

This decision for an injunction followed a request by the Greater Accra Regional Police Command for the organisers to consider relocating the planned protest venue from Revolutionary Square due to its proximity to Jubilee House, the seat of government.

The organisers were also advised to adjust the timing of the demonstration which was to start from 7am and end at 12 midnight.

Read also: Police file injunction against #DumsorMustStop demonstration

However, in court on Friday, May 23, the Police Service withdrew their initial application after the organisers proposed new modalities for the protest.

Lead organiser of the protest, Selorm Dramani emphasised their determination to proceed with the demonstration, stating, "if that case comes back to this place, I will disregard it.

"In the maintenance of law and order, sometimes we must fight fire with fire because out of chaos comes order."

The vigil is now expected to take place on June 8 at the entrance of the University of Ghana, culminating at the Tetteh Quashie roundabout.

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