Health | National

Rising trend: Elective C-Section on the rise

The Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, Dr Isaac Osei Koranteng, has highlighted a concerning trend in modern obstetric practice: more women are choosing elective Caesarean section or C-Section over normal vaginal delivery.

Dr Koranteng explained that many women opt for C-Sections to avoid labour pains and prevent vaginal expansion.

He emphasised that while Caesarean sections are relatively safe, every surgery comes with risks and should be performed only when medically necessary.

Speaking at a health education session organised by Racheal Hesse Matey, the 2023 Greater Accra Region’s best-practising midwife, Dr Koranteng stated, “A trend is coming up where our woman for some reason wants to be delivered by Caesarean section without going into labour.

I think it's a very dangerous trend. It's a dangerous trend in that by the grace of God Caesarean section is very safe nowadays, but every surgery has a risk."

“The reason why women are opting for elective Caesarean section without going through labour is the fear of basically most women thinking they can’t stand the labour pain..." he said, explaining that the good news is also that the labour pains are not continuous.

He added that “It gives you breaks in-between. some also think I mean, very few of them think that when the baby is big he passes through that introitus, introitus will become large and they can't tighten it again so they want the introitus to remain tightened, that’s some of the reason. But haven said that, we should also know the fact that it is not everybody that can deliver through the vagina, so in such a case when the doctor requests or advises you to go for Caesarean section, don’t think that the doctor enjoys holding the knife.”  

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