The Strategic Youth Network Development (SYND) has officially launched the African Youth Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Governance (NREG), scheduled to take place from May 2 to May 4, 2024.

This conference aims to highlight youth-led solutions that can address the pressing climate and environmental challenges currently faced by the African continent.

The African Youth Conference on NREG is anticipated to serve as a pivotal gathering, bringing together youth representatives from across Africa to showcase and discuss innovative solutions in critical areas such as climate change, green jobs, energy transition, food systems/food security, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

The event is envisioned as a platform to foster partnerships and synergies among participants for the greater good.

Despite being rich in diverse natural resources, Africa is confronted with significant challenges in managing these resources sustainably.

Illicit financial flows, illegal mining, logging, wildlife trade, unregulated fishing, and environmental degradation pose substantial threats to the continent's natural capital, resulting in an estimated annual loss of US$195 billion.

Recognising the urgency of translating decisions into practical actions, the conference aims to engage the continent's youthful population actively.

A 2023 report by the Official Children and Youth Constituency of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change reveals that 76 percent of African youth lack confidence in current government action on climate change, and 65 percent have been unable to participate in government-organized climate initiatives.

The Focal person on youth in NREG at SYND, Justina Amoah, emphasised the conference's focus on spotlighting concrete and innovative youth-led solutions in critical areas like energy transition, responsible mining, and food sovereignty.

She highlighted the importance of facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration among young Africans to amplify their voices as key agents in shaping sustainable environmental governance on the continent.

"By spotlighting concrete and innovative youth-led solutions in critical areas such as energy transition, responsible mining, and food sovereignty, the conference seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration among young Africans and amplify their voices as key agents in shaping sustainable environmental governance in Africa,” she said.

Executive Coordinator of SYND, Chibeze Ezekiel, shared that the African Youth Conference builds on the success of the National Youth Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Governance held in Accra last year.

The upcoming regional event, expected to host approximately 300 in-person participants, will be open to young Africans, government officials, civil society organizations, individuals from the private sector, donors, development partners, financial institutions, academic researchers, diplomatic missions, and the media.

Ultimately, the conference is positioned as a crucial entry point for youth participation in achieving Africa's commitment to the African Agenda 2063 and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Goal 7 (Clean & Affordable Energy), Goal 13 (Climate Action), and Goal 15 (Life on Land) by 2030.

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