The Electoral Commission (EC) says it has changed the team charged with generating and publishing info graphs of data in the ongoing limited voter registration exercise.

This, according to the Commission will help stop the churning out of erroneous figures.

Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Operations, Mr Samuel Tettey said rigorous mechanism has also been put in place to prevent future occurrence.

"The Commission apologises for the error," he added.

But, Deputy Director of Elections and IT for the opposition NDC, Dr Rashid Tanko says they are not satisfied with the assurances given by the Commission.

According to him, persons found complicit should rather be sacked and not re-assigned.

"It is not enough for us. Heads should roll at the Electoral Commission. Changing the team is not enough. It is not the answer. What is the quality assurance going on at the Electoral Commission that led them to churn out those fake figures?

"The one who presided over all that should step aside. That is what a serious country should be built on, not just asking that people should be changed. What is the meaning of that?"

Meanwhile, the EC says the Volta region has recorded most of the challenged cases while the Ashanti region leads in the overall registered voters.

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