A distinguished Chief of Aflao who resides in the United Kingdom, Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III, has urged girls and children to find the courage to speak up on issues that matter to them.

His message was delivered during the launch of the 'Speak Up for a Change Ghana Foundation in Aflao, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at supporting vulnerable girls and children across the nation.

The esteemed chief, known for his unwavering dedication to community welfare, emphasized the critical importance of voicing concerns and seeking help when needed.

Speaking at the event, Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III highlighted that the foundation stands as a beacon of hope for those who often feel unheard or unseen.

"It is vital for our girls and children to know that their voices matter," stated Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III. "Through this foundation, we are creating a safe space where they can freely express themselves, knowing that help and support are readily available."

The launch event was a poignant affair, attended by community leaders, activists, and supporters of the foundation's mission. Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III, with his characteristic passion for advocacy, underscored the need for societal change to protect and uplift the most vulnerable.

"Societal change begins with each one of us taking a stand," he declared. "We must work tirelessly to ensure that our girls and children are shielded from harm and allowed to thrive."

The 'Speak Up for a Change Ghana Foundation promises a range of initiatives tailored to address the unique challenges faced by young girls and children in Ghana. From educational programmes to empowerment workshops, the foundation aims to equip these individuals with the tools they need to succeed and flourish.

As Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III eloquently stated, "We envision a Ghana where every girl and child feels empowered to speak up, knowing that they are supported by a caring community."

The launch event concluded on a hopeful note, with attendees pledging their support and commitment to the foundation's noble cause. The resounding message echoed throughout the gathering: it is time to speak up for change, and together, we can build a brighter future for all.

Some of the girls who spoke with the media expressed their excitement about the launch and hoped that the many questions on their minds would be answered through their association with the organisation.

About Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III

Torgbui Henyo Aglasu III is a highly respected Chief of Aflao, known for his tireless efforts in community development and advocacy for the rights of vulnerable populations.

Residing in the United Kingdom, he remains deeply connected to his roots in Ghana, consistently working to create positive change and uplift those in need.

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