Twenty-one-year-old twins Trysha Dake and Patricia Dake are showing the way in conserving energy with their 13A appliance protector which comes with an inbuilt timer function.

As the world gets smarter, there’s an increased dependence on electronic gadgets, which also means more demand for electricity. This trend, as experts advise, can best be contained by investing in solar power and adopting an attitude of energy conservation.

While installations for solar power are expensive, busy schedules of fatigued power consumers prevent them from sticking to patterns of energy conservation. But imagine being able to tell your appliances which particular time in the day to go off without having to touch them.

To make it easier to conserve energy while reducing the power bill, Trysha and Patricia are using their SafeTecq appliance protector which they developed with the help of their US-based uncle to help electricity consumers to regulate when they want their appliances on or off.

While studying for their degree in Economics and International Relations at Lancaster University, the ladies set up their company, Tryshapatricia Limited to distribute the appliance protector at wholesale to various electronic outlets.

Ghana currently has about 4,000 MW of installed generation capacity, with the actual availability, rarely exceeding 2,400 MW.

This is not only due to the changing hydrological conditions and inadequate fuel supplies, but also because of the absence of an energy conservation attitude.

With one SafeTecq in the over 6.6m household units in Ghana, the demand on the national grid can be cut by up to 25%.

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