The Savannah Regional Executives of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) have asked Sawla MP, Andrews Chiwetey to withdraw his statement concerning government’s alleged non-commitment to water provision to the people in the region.

According to the Executives, his statements are entirely false and have thus called on the MP and his colleagues in Parliament to apologise and withdraw their statement.

At a press briefing in Damongo, the Savannah NPP executives stated that the question by the MP to the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources demanding the number of boreholes and small water systems that have been constructed by the government in the region since 2017 till date, their locations, and cost, reeked of ignorance.

The NPP Executives led by the Communication officer, Issah Mohammed said the government through its agencies has provided about 62 boreholes with some mechanized and small-town water systems among others in all 7 districts in the region.

According to him, 18 hand pump boreholes were constructed in the West Gonja Municipality, 7 in North Gonja, 15 in East Gonja, and 3 in Central Gonja.

The rest are, 8 in Sawla Tuna Kalba, another 8 in Bole, and 2 in the North East Gonja Districts.

"I will challenge the Hon. MP if indeed he knows his Constituency well, to do us a favor by either admitting he lied to the people of Ghana or deny the existence of these systems in his Constituency".

Mr. Mohammed said the Sawla legislator was clearly not abreast with development in his backyard as even his own constituency, the Sawla constituency, is a direct beneficiary of 8 boreholes dotted I 8 communities, including hand pump boreholes at Jang, Kong, Jetrekura, Konkrope, and Jilinkon.

He said Kpalbe No.2, Haakura, and the people of Sogoryiro all have boreholes constructed for them by the Government.

Mr. Issah Mohammed added that the “Minority MPs were either ill-informed, refused to read as notoriously known for, or were simply incompetent at their own Kindergarten propaganda.

“The ruling NPP has significantly done better than the NDC did in their miserable 8 years in the Region".

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