Team Ghana’s Amadu Mohammed will get the Black Bombers' attempts to secure Olympic Games qualification underway today.

Amadu will be the first of seven boxers to fight with his test being Dominican Republic opponent De lo Santos Felix Jose Luis on Friday, May 24, at 11:30 GMT.

Ghana took seven boxers to Bangkok for the final lap of qualifying for the competition which will be staged in Paris.

The seven are Amadu Mohammed, Mark Kojovi Ahondjo, Theophilus Allotey, Joseph Commey, Henry Malm, Jonathan Tetteh and Oneilla Sathoud.

Ahondjo will settle things in the ring with Mauritius’ Pierre Kennedy Joseph in the 92+kg division.

Commey, who was one of Ghana’s representatives at the African Games, will be up against Bajoku Shpetim from Kosovo in the 63.5kg.

Allotey has a tough opposition in Hungary’s Bernath Attila in the 51kg division also on Sunday before Tetteh will take to the ring against Dominguez Loren Berto who hails from Azerbaijan.

Malm and Sathoud will fight against Bilrrashid and Langerova Monika of Libya and Czech Republic respectively in the 71kg and 75kg events.

No Ghanaian boxer has qualified for the Olympic Games so far despite participating in two qualifying tournaments in Senegal and Italy in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

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