Amid escalating tensions in Awutu Senya West over the destruction of the New Patriotic Party's signboards and posters, Eugene Arhin, the NPP parliamentary candidate, has issued a plea for calm.

The region has been gripped by incidents of vandalism targeting NPP campaign materials, sparking concerns of rising political tensions ahead of the upcoming elections.

Eugene Arhin has stepped forward to address the situation and urge all parties involved to exercise restraint.

Mr Arhin emphasised the importance of maintaining peace and civility in the community, regardless of political differences.

He called upon residents to refrain from engaging in acts of violence or destruction, stressing that such actions only serve to undermine the democratic process and sow discord within the community.

In his statement, Mr. Arhin reiterated the need for dialogue and peaceful coexistence, urging residents to channel their grievances through lawful means rather than resorting to violence or vandalism.

"I urge all NPP members and supporters to refrain from retaliating. We must uphold the law and maintain peace in our constituency. I have full confidence that the law enforcement agencies will take appropriate action and address this issue," Mr. Arhin stated.

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