
Government to sell 110 luxury cars

One hundred and ten of the 250 luxury vehicles bought for Ghana's Golden Jubilee celebrations will be sold after the African Union summit in July. The Chief Executive of the Ghana@50 Secretariat, Dr. Charles Wereko-Brobby, disclosed this at a media briefing in Accra. He told journalists that government will determine what to do with the rest of the fleet, which include Jaguar, Chrysler and Peugeot vehicles. He said so far over five million dollars have been invested in the purchase of luxury vehicles. He said the cars were bought not just for the celebrations but in anticipation of seven other international meetings. Dr. Wereko-Brobby said the meetings are the AU Summit, AGOA meeting and the CAN 2008 tournament. He said government stands to benefit from the resale of the luxury vehicles. “Immediately after the AU Summit in July, you would probably be seeing in the next week or so public advertisements to that effect. Virtually all the Mercedes Benz and BMWs would be sold. There is about 110 of them…these vehicles when sold would yield a minimum of ¢120 billion to pay the balance of monies owed to the companies,” he said. Dr. Wereko-Brobby said the secretariat is working on a series of events to keep the jubilee celebration alive after a climaxed on the 6th of March.

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