In reaction to President Kufuor’s call for a clear national vision for the next 50 years, a reputable labour consultant, Austin Gamey has challenged the National Development Planning Commission to initiate the process and come out with the national draft. “The nation spearheaded by the NDPC should collectively decide on the path we want to travel, a coherent vision with support and input from stakeholders like think tanks, pool synergies and move on. This is the way forward for the rapid development of the country.” Mr. Gamey of the Gamey & Gamey Academy of Mediation was giving his views on the way forward for the country after 50 years of independence on Metro TV’s news and current affairs programme Good Evening Ghana. He said such a national vision should be disseminated to all levels of the country’s institutions of learning and must be owned by all. In his speech at the Golden Jubilee Anniversary parade, President Kufuor stated that as the nation reaches its one milestone, Ghanaians must aim higher. “We must aim higher ... We must raise our sights even higher. According to Mr. Gamey, at the moment Ghana has no document which could be described as a national vision in the true sense of the word; the closest being the GPRS II.

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