
NDC youth plead Muntaka’s re-appointment

NDC youth in the Ashanti Region are appealing to President John Mills to consider urgently re-appointing former Youth and Sports Minister, Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka. The Regional Youth Working Committee says Alhaji Muntaka had distinguished himself as one of the best appointees of President Mills’ administration before he resigned to face investigations at the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ). The investigations followed allegations he had abused his office in acquiring a German visa for a lady thought to be his girlfriend, whom he was also accused of putting on a state delegation. CHRAJ concluded after its investigation that the allegation of abuse of office had no grounds and that the former minister had no hand in the acquisition of the visa or the inclusion of the said lady on the trip. And the Acting Secretary of the NDC youth, Onassis Kobby Rosely, has told Nhyira FM that the re-appointment of Alhaji Muntaka will re-affirm Prez Mills’ commitment and dedication to the country’s youth. He said Alhaji Muntaka’s exoneration is a victory for the Ghanaian youth in general. "This is a victory for the youth in Ghana, especially those of us who have taken him as our icon and he is our icon too" Mr. Onassis stressed. According to him, the NDC youth want those who called for Alhaji Muntaka’s resignation to appeal for his re-appointment in like manner they clamoured for his removal. He said "among the three NDC MPs in the Ashanti region, he was the only one appointed to ministerial level. He worked assiduously and one of the best ministers performing," adding his re-appointment will give hope to the youth especially in Ashanti region who fought for the party ahead of the 2008 elections. "We enthusiastically appeal to his Excellency President J.E.A. Mills to reconsider re-appointing Alhaji Mubarak Muntaka with a ministerial portfolio," Mr. Onassis prayed. NDC sympathizers in the Ashanti region have hailed the exoneration of the former Youth and Sports Minister as a positive development. Many are of them say the rule of law prevails as constitutional bodies like CHRAJ are allowed to perform their responsibilities without government interference. Alhaji Muntaka, who is NDC MP for Asawase in Kumasi, was investigated for abuse of office by CHRAJ following complaints by the Progressive Nationalist Forum. The commission in its ruling said the complainant adduced no credible evidence to support claims of abuse of office by the former minister. Story: Ohemeng Tawiah/Nhyira Fm/Kumasi/Ghana

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