Nana Kwame Bediako, flagbearer of The New Force Movement

Leader of the New Force Movement (NFM), Nana Kwame Bediako, says he intends to collaborate with the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to achieve substantial economic and social progress for Ghana if elected President. 

According to him, a strong partnership with the TUC would ensure the successful implementation of policies he proposes to roll out for the country.  

Mr Bediako made the assertion when he engaged the leadership of the TUC in Accra to shed light on his industrial policies for Ghana.  

The plan encompasses the fight against corruption, agriculture, education, health, and climate change, among others.  

Dr Anthony Yaw Baah, Secretary-General of the TUC in his remark called on Ghanaians to reassess the proposed flagship policy of the New Force Movement to dredge the sea to Kumasi in the Ashanti region. 

He said the policy offered by the NFM’s leader had been misrepresented and emphasized its practicality and potential benefits. 

Dr. Baah urged support for political leaders whose policies had the potential to transform the country, adding that Organized Labour was prepared to support initiatives that have significant developmental outcomes. 

“If you look at the river systems, when you dredge the Pra, Tano, Bia and the rest, it easily links to Cape Coast. And his point was that why should we use our roads to cart things?  

“We can use our river systems, once we dredge properly, the vessels can use it and transport it from Accra to the North. 

“God has given us a huge river that we are not using because many people don’t really understand that policy,” he said. 

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